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Question regarding course repeat!

edited April 2015 in General
A question popped up in my head recently... and I just wanted to double check.

Lets say I failed Math 152, but I took Math 155 and passed. Does this count as one of my five repeats?


  • I wouldn't think so
  • No but that means there's no point in repeating 152. If you failed, then that mark won't be replaced because you didn't take it again. 155 counts as a separate course. 
  • They're wrong. It does count as a repeat.
  • Why would it count as a repeat? It's not the same course number, and material is slightly different. It probably doesn't count as extra credits towards your degree, but I'm pretty sure it's not considered a repeat.
  • edited April 2015
    No, trust me. They categorize it as calculus II. Math 150/151/154/157 are categorized as one course (calculus I). Math 152/155/158 are categorized as one course (calculus II). Substituting math 154 for math 157 will count as a repeat. Same thing as taking math 152, then taking 155 as a substitute. Yes, the course codes are different, but because they categorize it as calculus I & II, it sadly counts as a repeat.

    Source: academic adviser and several friends who have done the same thing
  • ah okay. thanks for the info guys!
  • Shayan is right

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