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Internal Transfer Cutoffs and Re-application

edited December 2014 in General
Hi, I'm currently a student at SFU in the IAT major but planning to transfer into Software Systems. 

I was wondering, if you get rejected for internal transfer into a major, can you re-apply using different courses the next semester? 
The three courses right now I can apply with is CMPT 135 (B+), Math 150 (B-), CMPT 225 (C-). Due to personal reasons I didn't end up going to half the classes for CMPT 225, and needless to say I did terrible in the class even though the course material itself wasn't too difficult. 

This semester has dropped my CGPA quite a bit as due to personal reasons I didn't attend many classes, and because I don't have many credits under my belt. Previously I was 3.2CGPA but after this semester I am now at 2.81CGPA, and the 3 qualifying courses give me a CRGPA of 2.57. 

I am confident that I can do well in CMPT 276 which I am taking next semester to replace my CMPT 225 grade for admission, but I'm wondering if I can possibly get in right now even with these crappy grades, and reapply next semester if I get rejected. 

So can you apply for internal transfer to the same major more than once? I know 2.57 is a low CRPGA, but is there a chance that I might get accepted? 



  • Never hurts to try, as I do think there's an application fee if I remember correctly. You can apply as many times as you want.

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