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Need help with STAT 100, STAT 201, STAT 203, or STAT 205? I’m here to help!
Are you looking for help with calculating sample statistics (means, medians, quartiles or the 5-number summary)? Z-scores? hypothesis testing? ANOVA? T-tests? Z-Tests? Chi-Square? Sample Surveys? Linear regression?
I am a PhD student with a focus on Climate Science who has worked as a TA for a second year Environmental Statistics course at the University of Waterloo. I also have extensive experience teaching and tutoring GEOG 111, and GEOG 214, and am available to tutor most 1st year Earth Science (Geology) courses.
Please contact me at, and I would be happy to answer any questions or discuss your needs :)
I am a PhD student with a focus on Climate Science who has worked as a TA for a second year Environmental Statistics course at the University of Waterloo. I also have extensive experience teaching and tutoring GEOG 111, and GEOG 214, and am available to tutor most 1st year Earth Science (Geology) courses.
Please contact me at, and I would be happy to answer any questions or discuss your needs :)