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Books for sell: SA150, POL100, CRIM135
POL 100: Logan Masilamani, Custom Readings in Political Science 100: Introduction to Politics and Government, Simon Fraser University, 2014. --> New/used book in SFU book store $110+/$80+ with tax. My price $75 (excellent condition)
SA 150: J. Steckley and G. K. Letts (2013). Elements of Sociology: A Critical Canadian Introduction. Third Edition. Don Mills, Ontario: Oxford University Press. --> Used book on amazon $40+ with shipping and tax. My price $35 (excellent condition)
CRIM 135: Boyd, Neil. Canadian Law: An Introduction, 6th Edition. Nelson Canada, 2014. --> New/Ebook on Nelsonbrain $97+/$48+ with tax. My price $20 (Notice: this is Ebook version. However, I am selling you the Login account and therefore without copyright issue)
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