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SFSS politics, Why you should actively vote for/against the Build SFU Loan

edited November 2014 in General
Thought I'd just throw this out here so increase some awareness about this.


  • tl;dr version:
    So basically if the votes are in favor of getting the loan, all SFU students will have to pay $20 per year, which increases by $10 per year up to $90+inflation to pay back the loan over the next 10 years or so for the stadium building which we won't even be allowed to use.

    SFSS and students will pay for the stadium but the building will be owned by SFU, and SFSS will have to pay for maintenance of the building. So why should we pay for a building we won't even be allowed to use and won't even be owned by us? Only the athletics groups will be allowed to use the stadium, and as such, incentives were offered to  several athletic group members to show up to vote at the AGM in favour of the loan.
    People who showed up after the AGM had reached full capacity for the room weren't even allowed in to vote for or against proposals which is against the law.

    It's not fair for the rest of us who have to pay for the building when we won't even get to see it finished by the end of our undergraduate degree.

    The History student union is holding a petition to have the problems and controversies of the SFSS dealt with, or something along those lines.

    A special general meeting will be held again to by the SFSS to revote on the loan in spring, if we can get just 1/3 against, then we won't get the loan and we won't have to pay for a building we won't use.

    haha, kinda long for a tl;dr version but yeah :)
  • My opinion: In comparison to the rest of tuition costs it really isn't much money, especially if you're graduating soon. I'm totally okay paying even though I will graduate way before it's finished because it will benefit future students. I think it's a bit petty to be upset about it, life ain't fair. I will vote for it.

  • MXC
    edited November 2014
    I mean sure $90 per year isn't a whole lot, but it's not just about that, it's the way the SFSS conducted all of this.
    And the SFSS doesn't even get to own the building they paid for.
  • Actually, it'll be $90 per term, not per year. With rising tuition costs, that could be a significant burden to a great many students in coming years. Also, the levy will last for two decades in the best-case scenario. So I'm not sure future students will take it as a "benefit."
  • Sorry, but was there mention of a date where we can vote again? Thanks :)
  • It hasn't been confirmed yet, but it'll be somewhere round the 3rd week of January

    You'll have to be physically present to vote by hand like at the AGM
    video of AGM of anyone's interested: 
    Most people left after the build SFU loan vote, leaving other issues untouched, because a quorum of at least 250 people had to be reached for votes, or changes to SFSS.
  • edited November 2014
    There's also a Town Hall Meeting happening this week on Thursday, 27 November at 5.30 p.m. in AQ 3150. 

  • Darn, I can't make if for that meeting, hope they film it :)
  • MXC, please check your personal inbox. 

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